The reason behind why Thai products are cheaper in Myanmar

Don’t tell me that the people of my country have a short life. Some said, They think that only (low-grade) Chinese goods are entering their country. consumer goods cosmetics They don’t think that the products coming from Thailand, which imports various food and beverages, are low-level.

As far as I have learned, everything that comes into our country from the Thai side is of low quality, and they cannot go and buy those items in Thailand from where they are imported. It’s even worse because all the border trade stations don’t have modern equipment that can be tested by the FDA.

For example, sweet powder from Thailand soap powder All soft drinks and beer are not only low-grade, but also cheap. If you don’t believe this product, if you bring it back to Thailand at a lower price than the import price,

it will not be accepted by the Thai customs and FDA at all. Because the health standards are not met, The answer is that there are too many chemicals and it should not be consumed.

That’s why they say that if a bottle of Sue Gar beer is 1,500 in their own country, they have to pay 2,000 for a brandy in Thailand. sweet powder drinks The same goes for cosmetics. That’s why I want to say that you, Chinamate Sono, Don’t get carried away because it’s used by a Thai friend. Trust me and don’t use it. Life is often short.

The best thing is to eat my own Burmese style Burmese food. fruit juice, rice I want you to drink only pure rice wine. (Thanphyo Naing) Please continue reading the message posted by the Thailand info for Myanmar page.

I have often encountered many Burmese people in Bangkok asking why the prices of Thai products sold in Myanmar are cheaper than those sold in Thailand.

During my short stay in Yangon, I have actually seen that the brands used in Thailand are cheaper in Yangon. The answer is because Thai domestic products can be produced according to the quality standards of Thailand Industrial Standard (TIS). Can’t release as much as you want.

food products Cosmetics can also be produced according to FDA specifications. The Thai Industrial Standard specifications are based on the industrial standards of Japan and the United States, and are set as the standards that will meet Thailand’s standards, so the quality of Thai domestic products is high.

On the Myanmar side, there is no set Myanmar Industrial Standard (if there is, I think it’s only on paper). That’s why the products that will be exported from Myanmar have the same brand, but with reduced quality.

The products are not allowed to be sold in Thailand. You may have seen Thai products coming in with export only labels on some Myanmar products. They are produced at a lower quality than the domestic quality in Thailand.

On the Myanmar side, there is no industrial standard. There is no import quality control. Even if there was, there is no law enforcement that strictly follows the law, so everything that enters Myanmar from neighboring countries comes in with low quality and low prices, even if they have the same brand.

If you want to send to the Myanmar side of the factories that produce famous products in Thailand, you can order them to reduce the quality. Not allowed to sell in Thailand. There is worse than that. That is the items that are about to expire. Expired items that are still good Refurbish and refurbish items rejected by factories due to defects. Fixing labels, Change the boxes, etc. and send it back to Myanmar.

They are not doing such things now, they have been doing it for a long time since more than 3 decades of successive military regimes. There is no rule of law, Along the trade route, the under-table cost, which is not tax, is very high, so the traders will choose the route that has low prices and high profits.

As long as the Industrial Standards and Consumer Protection Laws are made in Myanmar to protect consumers (even if the law is not enforced), they will continue to be trashed by neighboring countries. As long as there is no government and rule of law to properly protect the people, the last victim will be the people.